Tracker...A Bot's Tale
EEL 5666: Intelligent Machine Design Laboratory University of Florida
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Weekly Report 5.30.06

This week the Maveric-IIB board arrived. On Tuesday in lab I tested the board and sucessfully programmed the "Hello World" program. I also discovered that there is a conflict between my Keyspan USB to Serial connector and the Serial Programming Dongle that I purchased from I will have to find a way to resolve the issue or purchase the USB version of the programmer. I currently have an outstanding email with the people at Sparkfun to see if they can help.
I have also finished my initial idea for my robot, Tracker. The details of this proposal are in the formal proposal document that I am submitting this Thursday. Finally, I have ordered the motors, gearbox, motor controller and chasis for my robot from Pololu; they should be arriving sometime by the end of the week. I am planning on using Tamiya motors and twin gearbox and a Pololu serial motor controller.
By next week I hope to have the programming problem resolved, and the major mechanical elements of my robot under construction. I also hope to have elements of my sensor suite ordered.
Proposal -- First Draft 5.31.06
1. Opening
A. Abstract
B. Executive Summary
C. Introduction
2. Body
A. Integrated Systems
B. Mobile Platform
C. Actuation
D. Sensors
E. Behaviors
F. Experimental Layout and Results
3. Closing
A. Conclusion
B. Documentation
C. Appendices
The purpose of my robot is to find and track a radio frequency beacon without the need for line of sight. Once acquired, the robot will track the target and take a photograph. If the robot is discovered it will go towards the nearest dark corner until it is safe to re-acquire the target.
Executive Summary
The major problem that this robot seeks to solve is a question of finding people and objects that may be moving without having to be physically present. A robot of this nature could be used in order to track stolen vehicles, find people in emergency situations, and otherwise to search for and record when it is impossible for a human being to get line of sight.
When completed the robot should be able to track a moving or stationary radio frequency beacon, change direction dynamically and follow that target, determine the distance to the target and decide whether it is “too close”. When it decides that it is within a dangerous range it will go towards the darkest available corner and wait.
This paper will step through the sensor packages and design considerations of this robot, as well as providing information about its mechanical construction and programming steps necessary to make it functional.
Integrated System

Mobile Platform
The robot will be based on Pololu 5” robot chassis. The small size was chosen in order to make the robot as discrete as possible. It reduces the robot’s visual signature for clandestine operations.
I plan on using the Tamiya twin motor gearbox, ball caster and truck tires for locomotion. The motors will be controlled electronically by Pololu’s dual motor serial motor controller. For a light weight robot this should provide both ease of construction and sufficient power.
The robot will have four main behaviors.
Target acquisition: The robot will determine the location of a beacon and rotate in the direction of the target.
Tracking: Once acquired, the robot will try to keep a safe distance from the target and will adjust its speed in order to maintain proximity.
Obstacle Avoidance: Basic obstacle avoidance behaviors will be available.
Hiding: If the robot is within a dangerous proximity of the target, it will search for a corner of the room with the smallest amount of light and wait there for a pre-determined amount of time.
The robot may also have an onboard camera to take pictures/video of the target at a given interval.
Experimental Layout and Results
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Weekly Report 5.23.06
This week I have decided on the initial design of my robot. I'll be using a RF beacon and a set of directional antennae's in order to allow the robot to track a person who has been "bugged" by the system. The robot should also be able to hide (in a dark corner) if he is detected by the person he is tracking. If possible, I will attach a camera to the system that will take pictures and regular intervals.
As far as hardware is concerned, last Friday I ordered the Maveric-IIB board and the programmer from They should be arriving sometime this week. In the meantime I have begun to familarize myself with the software that I will be using to develop my robot including AutoCAD and the suite of software attached to the Atmel processor.
My goal for the rest of the week is to continue testing the software and to test the board and programmer when they arrive.
Friday, May 19, 2006
Weekly Report 5.16.06
As of now, I am still deciding on a robot design. At the moment, I want to employ some variation on Hunter / Prey behavior. Until I completely analyze the problem and decide on a final design, I won't be able to come to a conclusive decision on which microprocessor development kit that I will purchase.