Weekly Report 5.30.06

This week the Maveric-IIB board arrived. On Tuesday in lab I tested the board and sucessfully programmed the "Hello World" program. I also discovered that there is a conflict between my Keyspan USB to Serial connector and the Serial Programming Dongle that I purchased from Sparkfun.com. I will have to find a way to resolve the issue or purchase the USB version of the programmer. I currently have an outstanding email with the people at Sparkfun to see if they can help.
I have also finished my initial idea for my robot, Tracker. The details of this proposal are in the formal proposal document that I am submitting this Thursday. Finally, I have ordered the motors, gearbox, motor controller and chasis for my robot from Pololu; they should be arriving sometime by the end of the week. I am planning on using Tamiya motors and twin gearbox and a Pololu serial motor controller.
By next week I hope to have the programming problem resolved, and the major mechanical elements of my robot under construction. I also hope to have elements of my sensor suite ordered.
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